Narvik was quite a nut to crack
But all those heroes have our thanks
the work of heroes was their fight
their heroism rings out right
throughout the world and to us too.
My Dad admires their derring-do,
though they’re just guys from Austria
no men match up to what they are .
Verstärkung ihrer Streitkräfte in Frankreich wurden die alliierten
Truppen aus Norwegen ab dem 24. Mai abgezogen – zu einem Zeitpunkt, als
es nur noch eine Frage der Zeit gewesen wäre, bis die deutschen Truppen
hätten kapitulieren müssen. Die deutsche Wehrmacht konnte Narvik deshalb am 8. Juni wieder besetzen.
In order to strengthen their forces in France, Allied troops were pulled out of Norway from the 24th May - at a point when it would only be a question of time until German troops would have capitulate, This is why the German army could re-occupy Narvik on the 8th of June.
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