
Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Einträge in umgekehrter Reihenfolge geschrieben sind, der erste Eintrag befindet sich unten auf der Seite. Um Dieters ersten Eintrag zu lesen, beginnen Sie bitte hier!

Please note that the entries on each page are in reverse order, first entry at the bottom of the page. To read Dieter´s first entry, please start from here!

Veuillez noter que les inscriptions au journal figurant à chaque page sont reprises dans l'ordre inverse, la plus ancienne étant en bas de page. Pour voir la toute première inscription de Dieter, commencez ici!

Si noti che le date di inserimento nel diario sono in ordine inverso, si parte da quella a fondo pagina. Per andare al primo giorno del diario di Dieter clicca qui!

Mein Bild
In Mori (Stockelsdorf) bei Lübeck aufgewachsen, habe ich bereits von 1916 bis 1918 am Ersten Weltkrieg im Füsilierregiment "Königin" Nr. 86 teilgenommen. Im August 1939 wurde ich als Veteran in die Wehrmacht eingezogen. In diesem Blog veröffentliche ich mein Kriegstagebuch.

Montag, 21. November 2011

Über die Eifel

In der Regimentschronik findet sich recht wenig über die Rückkehr des Regiments nach Deutschland, was doch in Anbetracht der ungewohnt emotionalen Schilderung Dieters etwas verwundert.
Interessant ist die Beschreibung der Wetterverhältnisse 1918. Anscheinend
ähnelten die klimatischen Verhältnisse denen dieses Jahres (2011), so dass man wirklich von Glück sprechen kann, wenn man die Verhältnisse in der Schneeifel im November bedenkt.

Südlich Namur wurde am 15. November die Maas überschritten. Dann ging es genau ostwärts, immer drei bis vier Tage Marsch, dann einen Tag Ruhe, durch die öden Ausläufer des hohen Venn auf die deutsche Grenze zu. Sie wurde am 21. bei Recht, 10 km südlich Malmédy, überschritten. Nun stieg das Regiment auf die kahle Hochfläche der Eifel. Wenige Dörfer und schlechte Quartiere. Der Spätherbst war zum Glück milde und trocken. Die Einwohner erzählten, daß um diese Zeit oft schon meterhoher Schnee läge. Wäre es auch jetzt so gewesen, dann wären bei der Entkräftung der Pferde die Wagen elend stecken geblieben.
The regimental chronicles do not tell us a lot about the return of the regiment back to germany, which is a little astonishing taking into account Dieter's quite emotional descriptions.
Rather interesting is the description of the climatic conditions of 1918. They obviously are quite comparable to this year's conditions (2011), which puts Dieter into a lucky position compared to normal November weather conditions in the Schneeeifel Area [rem.: Schneeeifel = Snow Eifel].

The Maas was crossed South of Namur on November 15th. We Then moved eastwards, marching for three to four days, then one day rest, then on through the outshoots of the High Venn towards the german frontier. It has been crossed on the 21st near Recht, 10km south of Malmédy. Now the regiment climbed the bleak high plateau of the Eifel. Only a few villages and bad billets. Fortunately, the late autumn was mild and dry. The local population told us, that this time of the year often brings several metres of snow. Had it been like that, the waggons would have bogged down with exhausted horses.


II diari di reggimento non ci dicono molto del ritorno in Germania del reggimento, cosa che fa un po' meraviglia, se si tiene conto delle emozionanti descrizioni di Dieter.
E' abastanza interessante la descrizione delle condizioni climatiche del 1918. Esse sono del tutto comparabili alle condizioni di quest'anno (2011), il che mette Dieter in una posizione fortunata, se la si compara alle normali condizioni meteorologiche di novembre nell'area di Schneeifel [Schneeifel=nevoso Eifel]

I Maas fu attraversato A sud di namur il 15 novembre. Quindi ci muovemmo verso est, marciando per tre-quattro giorni, poi un giorno di riposo, quindi ancora avanti nella riserva dello Hohes Venn verso il confine tedesco. Questo fu attraversato il 21 vicino a Recht, 10 km a sud di Malmédy. Qui il reggimento salì sul brullo altipiano dell'Eifel. Solo pochi paesi e scarsi ripari. Fortunatamente il tardo autunno fu mite e secco. La popolazione locale ci disse che in questo periodo dell'anno c'erano spesso metri di neve. Se così fosse stato i convogli si sarebbero impantanati con i cavalli stremati.


1 Kommentar:

  1. The regimental chronicles do not tell us a lot about the return of the regiment back to germany, which is a little astonishing taking into account Dieter's quite emotional descriptions.
    Rather interesting is the description of the climatic conditions of 1918. They obviously are quite comparable to this year's conditions (2011), which puts Dieter into a lucky position compared to normal November weather conditions in the Schneeeifel Area [rem.: Schneeeifel = Snow Eifel].

    The Maas was crossed South of Namur on November 15th. We Then moved eastwards, marching for three to four days, then one day rest, then on through the outshoots of the High Venn towards the german frontier. It has been crossed on the 21st near Recht, 10km south of Malmédy. Now the regiment climbed the bleak high plateau of the Eifel. Only a few villages and bad billets. Fortunately, the late autumn was mild and dry. The local population told us, that this time of the year often brings several metres of snow. Had it been like that, the waggons would have bogged down with exhausted horses.
