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Veuillez noter que les inscriptions au journal figurant à chaque page sont reprises dans l'ordre inverse, la plus ancienne étant en bas de page. Pour voir la toute première inscription de Dieter, commencez ici!

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Mein Bild
In Mori (Stockelsdorf) bei Lübeck aufgewachsen, habe ich bereits von 1916 bis 1918 am Ersten Weltkrieg im Füsilierregiment "Königin" Nr. 86 teilgenommen. Im August 1939 wurde ich als Veteran in die Wehrmacht eingezogen. In diesem Blog veröffentliche ich mein Kriegstagebuch.

Dienstag, 9. November 2010

Das FR 86 in Wilna

Die Regimentschronik gibt eine gute Beschreibung der Zeit in Wilna, die an dieser Stelle auszugsweise vorgestellt werden soll. Der Gegensatz von Front zu Etappe war anscheinend so groß, dass er sogar Eingang in die Chronik des Regiments gefunden hat.

Am 21. Oktober wurde Wilna erreicht. Die Kompanien wurden in ehemaligen russischen Kasernen untergebracht, ganz friedensmäßig, mit Stubenältesten und Stubendienst. Die Division war Heeresgruppenreserve der Gruppe Eichhorn.
Die üblichen Reinigungen, Appells gaben den Füsilieren das soldatische Aussehen wieder. Durch Exerzieren wurde die Disziplin, durch Felddienstübungen die militärische Ausbildung vervollkommnet, insbesondere wurden die Erfahrungen aus der Flandernschlacht eingeprägt.
Ausmärsche in die Umgegend von Wilna ließen die 86er einen Blick tun in die ihnen noch fremde Welt des slavischen Ostens. […]

Auch Zerstreuung und geistige Anregung waren reichlich zu finden. Für Unterhaltung und Verbreitung politischer und militärischer Nachrichten sorgte die in Wilna erscheinende und gut geleitete Zeitung der 10. Armee. Ein Soldatenheim bot den Füsilieren in ihren dienstfreien Stunden Unterkunft und Anregung durch die Zeitung und Bücher. Theater und Operette brachten Erheiterung und Zerstreuung. Auch ernsten Kunstgenuß. Gute Konzerte erquickten die Musikhungrigen.
Leider zeigten sich den Angehörigen des Regiments auch Erscheinungen, die bei ihnen Kopfschütteln und Ärger auslösten. Wilna war Hochetappe. Auf den Straßen, in den Kaffees, im Theater sahen sie eine Fülle gutgekleideter, gutgenährter pelzgeschmückter Herren, die sichs wohl sein ließen und durchaus keinen g.v.-Eindruck machten. Der Soldat, der von einem Grabenkampf herkommt, ist gegenüber solchen Erscheinungen, zumal, wenn sie noch das schwarzweiße Band im Knopfloch tragen, recht empfindlich.

The regiment's chronicles give a good description of the time in Wilna, which shall be stated here in extracts. Obviously the contrast between the front and the back area became so significant, that it was mentioned in the regiment's chronicles.

On October, 21st Wilna was reached. The companies took quarters in the former russian barracks, very much like in peace times with room eldest and room cleaning servicing. The division was Army Group Reserve of group Eichhorn. The usual cleanings and roll calls gave back soldierly appearance to the fusiliers. Discipline was brought to perfection by exercising, and military education by field servicing. Especially the experiences from the flanders battle were brought into the training. Marches into the environments of Wilna offered the 86's a view into the slavic east still unfamiliar to them.

Also distraction and metal stimulation were plenty. For entertainment and distribution of political and military news the newspaper of the 10th army took care, which was well-lead and appeared in Wilna. A casino offered home and stimulation to the fusiliers in their spare time with books and newspapers. Theatre and opera brought amusement and distraction as well as enjoyment of arts. Fine concerts gave relief to those hungry for music.
Unfortunately the members of the regiment also saw appearances that made their heads shake and created anger. Wilna was a high form of back area. On the streets, in the cafés, in the theatres, they saw a load of well-dressed and well-fed gentlemen decorated with noble fur coats, living in wealth and not leaving the impression to be invalidated out at all. The soldier coming from trench warfare, especially wearing the black and white band [i.e. being decorated with an iron cross] is quite sensitive for those appearances.


L'86° Reggimento Fucilieri a Vilnius
I diari di reggimento danno una buona descrizione di quei tempi a Vilnius, che saranno qui riportati in riassunto. Evidentemente il contrasto tra il fronte e le retrovie divenne così evidente da essere menzionato anche nei diari reggimentali.

Il 21 ottobre Vilnius fu occupata. Le compagnie si acquartierarono nelle caserme già appartenenti ai Russi, proprio come in tempo di pace, con camere più confortevoli e pulite. La Divisione costituiva il gruppo di riserva del Gruppo Eichhorn. Le periodiche pulizie e i contrappelli restituirono ai soldati l'aspetto di fucilieri. La disciplina fu riportata ad altissimo livello con esercitazioni e il comportamento militare migliorò con addestramento sul campo. Soprattutto l'esperienza nelle Fiandre fu portata nell'addestramento. Inoltre, le marce nei dintorni di Vilnius offrirono all'86° una visione dell'ambiente slavo orientale, fino ad allora sconosciuto.

Furono abbondanti anche le distrazioni e gli stimoli per la mente. Dell'intrattenimento e della diffusione di un notiziario politico e militare si occupò il giornale della 10^ Armata che, ottimamente diretto, apparve a Vilnius. Una "casa del soldato" offrì un luogo amichevole e stimolante per i fucilieri nel loro periodo di riposo, con libri e riviste. Rappresentazioni teatrali e musicali portarono divertimento e distrazione, così come il piacere delle arti. Bei concerti diedero sollievo a quegli affamati di musica.

Sfortunatamente i membri del reggimento videro cose che provocarono in loro agitazione e rabbia. Vilnius era una grande retrovia. Nelle strade, nei caffè, nei teatri, si vedevano frotte di damerini ben vestiti e ben pasciuti agghindati con abiti di preziose pellicce, uomini ben in salute che non davano minimamente l'impressione di avere una qualche invalidità. Il soldato proveniente dalla zona di trincea, specialmente se decorato di nastrino nero e bianco [cioè decorato con croce di ferro] era particolarmente sensibile a quello spettacolo

1 Kommentar:

  1. The regiment's chronicles give a good description of the time in Wilna, which shall be stated here in extracts. Obviously the contrast between the front and the back area became so significant, that it was mentioned in the regiment's chronicles.

    On October, 21st Wilna was reached. The companies took quarters in
    the former russian barracks, very much like in peace times with room eldest and room cleaning servicing. The division was Army Group Reserve of group Eichhorn. The usual cleanings and roll calls gave back soldierly appearance to the fusiliers. Discipline was brought to perfection by exercising, and military education by field servicing. Especially the experiences from the flanders battle were brought into the training. Marches into the environments of Wilna offered the 86's a view into the slavic east still unfamiliar to them.

    Also distraction and metal stimulation were plenty. For entertainment and distribution of political and military news the newspaper of the 10th army took care, which was well-lead and appeared in Wilna. A casino offered home and stimulation to the fusiliers in their spare time with books and newspapers. Theatre and opera brought amusement and distraction as well as enjoyment of arts. Fine concerts gave relief to those hungry for music.
    Unfortunately the members of the regiment also saw appearances that made their heads shake and created anger. Wilna was a high form of back area. On the streets, in the cafés, in the theatres, they saw a load of well-dressed and well-fed gentlemen decorated with noble fur coats, living in wealth and not leaving the impression to be invalidated out at all. The soldier coming from trench warfare, especially wearing the black and white band [i.e. being decorated with an iron cross] is quite sensitive for those appearances.
