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Please note that the entries on each page are in reverse order, first entry at the bottom of the page. To read Dieter´s first entry, please start from here!

Veuillez noter que les inscriptions au journal figurant à chaque page sont reprises dans l'ordre inverse, la plus ancienne étant en bas de page. Pour voir la toute première inscription de Dieter, commencez ici!

Si noti che le date di inserimento nel diario sono in ordine inverso, si parte da quella a fondo pagina. Per andare al primo giorno del diario di Dieter clicca qui!

Mein Bild
In Mori (Stockelsdorf) bei Lübeck aufgewachsen, habe ich bereits von 1916 bis 1918 am Ersten Weltkrieg im Füsilierregiment "Königin" Nr. 86 teilgenommen. Im August 1939 wurde ich als Veteran in die Wehrmacht eingezogen. In diesem Blog veröffentliche ich mein Kriegstagebuch.

Dienstag, 31. Mai 2011

31. Mai 1918

Wir sind an einer großen Divisionsübung beteiligt. Alles klappt tadellos.
Wir liegen in einer Kaserne, in deren einem Flügel gefangene Engländer untergebracht sind. Abends plaudere ich zuweilen mit ihnen. Manchmal tauschen deutsche Kameraden Zigaretten, Seife und anderes mehr mit den Tommies gegen andere Dinge ein. Die Engländer bekommen sehr viele Pakete mit den schönsten Sachen aus ihrer Heimat und leben sehr gut, ja sogar besser als wir. Allerdings sind sie sehr arbeitsscheu, und ein großer Teil von ihnen spielt dauernd krank. Das Fliegerunwesen nimmt wieder überhand. Tag und Nacht erscheinen englische Flugzeuge und bombardieren Tournai.
Es ist entsetzlich. Größere Fabriken und Heereslager werden getroffen. Unser Artilleriekommandeur fällt in seiner Wohnung einer Bombe zum Opfer. Alle Angriffe beruhen auf Verrat seitens der Belgier. Man hat festgestellt und beobachtet, daß Zivilisten von ihren Dächern aus die feindlichen Flieger angeblinkt haben. Viele katholische Priester werden unter dem Verdacht, sich an dieser Spionagetätigkeit beteiligt zu haben, gefangen abgeführt. Selbst vor der Wohnung des Kronprinzen Rupprecht von Bayern ist eine Bombe niedergesaust. Soviel ich weiß, wurde ein Adjutant getötet. Der Kronprinz soll sich zumeist während der Fliegerangriffe in der Kathedrale aufhalten. Unsere Kaserne ist bislang noch nicht bombardiert worden. Wahrscheinlich nimmt der Tommy an, daß das ganze Gelände mit gefangenen Engländern belegt ist. Die Abwehrgeschütze schießen Nachts wie wild; am Morgen liegt dann der ganze Kasernenhof voller Sprengstücke und Granatsplitter, die von den Abwehrgeschossen herrühren.

We are participating in a large divisional maneoevre. Everything runs seamless.
We are quartered in barracks, which also shelter english POWs. In the evening I sometimes do chat with them. Sometimes german comrades trade cigarettes, soap and other things with the Tommies for other goods. The Englishmen receive a lot of parcels with the finest things from home, and spend a very comfortable live, even better than we do. Nevertheless, they are very reluctant to work, and a large portion of them always shams an illness. The air activity again increases steadily. Day and night, english aeroplanes appear and throw bombs onto Tournai.
It is awful. Larger factories and barracks are being hit. Our artillery commander is killed by a bomb in his house. All attacks are caused by belgian traitors. It has been observed, that civilians flashed lights to enemy aeroplanes from the rooftops of their houses. Many catholic priests are arrested under suspicion of taking part in espionage activities. Even in front of the house of our crown prince Rupprecht von Bayern, a bomb has come down. As far as I know, an adjutant has been killed. The crown prince is said to be in the cathedral during the air raids. Our barracks have not been bombed so far. Probably Tommy thinks that the whole area is ocupied with POWs. The anti aircraft guns are fiercely firing all night; in the morning the whole barrack yard is strewn with splinters and grenade pieces that originate from the guns.


Partecipiamo a grandi manovre di divisione. Tutto continua senza intoppi.
Siamo acquartierati in una caserma che ospita anche prigionieri di guerra Inglesi. Di sera, talvolta, faccio quattro chiacchiere con loro. A volte i camerati tedeschi scambiano con i Tommies sapone e altre cose in cambio di altri beni. Gli Inglesi ricevono da casa una gran quantità di pacchi pieni di tante belle cose e se la passano proprio bene, molto meglio di noi. Nonostante ciò, non gli piace molto lavorare e molti di loro simulano malattie. Di nuovo l'attività aerea aumenta costantemente. Giorno e notte, aerei Inglesi si presentano e lanciano bombe su Tournai.
E' spaventoso. Grandi fattorie e caserme vengono colpite. Il nostro comandante di artiglieria muore colpito da una bomba nel suo alloggio. Tutti gli attacchi sono favoriti da traditori belgi. Sono stati visti dei civili lampeggiare con luci intermittenti verso gli aerei nemici dai tetti delle loro case.
Molti sacerdoti cattolici vengono arrestati per il sospetto di attività di spionaggio. Una bomba è caduta perfino davanti alla casa dove alloggia il principe ereditario Rupprecht di Baviera. Per quanto ne so, è stato ucciso un aiutante. Si dice che il principe ereditario si trovasse in chiesa durante gli attacchi. La nostra caserma, finora, non è stata colpita. Forse i Tommies (gli Inglesi) pensano che l'intera area sia occupata da prigionieri di guerra. La contraerea spara ferocemente per tutta la notte; al mattino, l'intero cortile della caserma è disseminato di schegge e pezzi di granate a causa dei proiettili.

2 Kommentare:

  1. We are participating in a large divisional maneoevre. Everything runs seamless.
    We are quartered in barracks, which also shelter english POWs. In the evening I sometimes do chat with them. Sometimes german comrades trade cigarettes, soap and other things with the Tommies for other goods. The Englishmen receive a lot of parcels with the finest things from home, and spend a very comfortable live, even better than we do. Nevertheless, they are very reluctant to work, and a large portion of them always shams an illness. The air activity again increases steadily. Day and night, english aeroplanes appear and throw bombs onto Tournai.
    It is awful. Larger factories and barracks are being hit. Our artillery commander is killed by a bomb in his house. All attacks are caused by belgian traitors. It has been observed, that civilians flashed lights to enemy aeroplanes from the rooftops of their houses. Many catholic priests are arrested under suspicion of taking part in espionage activities. Even in front of the house of our crown prince Rupprecht von Bayern, a bomb has come down. As far as I know, an adjutant has been killed. The crown prince is said to be in the cathedral during the air raids. Our barracks have not been bombed so far. Probably Tommy thinks that the whole area is ocupied with POWs. The anti aircraft guns are fiercely firing all night; in the morning the whole barrack yard is strewn with splinters and grenade pieces that originate from the guns.

  2. Strange thing; Dieter does not realize that he is an intruder to Belgium. He talks of belgian "traitors". Actually he should have an understanding that betraying for them would mean to help the german army instead of fighting against them....
