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Please note that the entries on each page are in reverse order, first entry at the bottom of the page. To read Dieter´s first entry, please start from here! Veuillez noter que les inscriptions au journal figurant à chaque page sont reprises dans l'ordre inverse, la plus ancienne étant en bas de page. Pour voir la toute première inscription de Dieter, commencez ici! Si noti che le date di inserimento nel diario sono in ordine inverso, si parte da quella a fondo pagina. Per andare al primo giorno del diario di Dieter clicca qui!
In Mori (Stockelsdorf) bei Lübeck aufgewachsen, habe ich bereits von 1916 bis 1918 am Ersten Weltkrieg im Füsilierregiment "Königin" Nr. 86 teilgenommen.
Im August 1939 wurde ich als Veteran in die Wehrmacht eingezogen.
In diesem Blog veröffentliche ich mein Kriegstagebuch.
530 Uhr morgens Abrücken vom Barackenlager Suzanne. Wir marschieren über Maricourt. Kaum haben wir das Dorf hinter uns, erscheint über uns ein englisches Geschwader von 12 – 15 Flugzeugen. Sicherlich bietet ihnen unsere lange Marschkolonne ein lohnendes Ziel. An ein Entrinnen ist gar nicht zu denken. Links von der Straße, auf der wir marschieren, ist ein großes Barackenlager. Dahinein fallen über 20 Bomben. Dieser unerwartete Angriff mag viele Opfer gekostet haben. Daß die Flieger uns nicht angegriffen haben, bleibt mir ein Rätsel. Wir marschieren weiter über Montauban, Guillemont, Ginchy, Combles, Frégicourt, Sailly-Saillisel, St. Pierre Vaast-Wald, Manancourt nach Nurlu. Wir befinden uns wieder mitten in der Somme-Wüste auf blutgetränktem Boden. Von all den Dörfern, die wir durchschreiten, ist natürlich kein Stein zu sehen. Der St. Pierre Vaast-Wald ist nur noch dem Namen nach ein Wald; nicht einen Baumstumpf sieht man mehr. Wir sind in einer trostlosen Gegend. Ununterbrochen marschieren wir den ganzen Tag bei drückender Hitze und kommen am Nachmittag in Nurlu an.
0530 in the morning we leave the barracks camp Suzanne. We march via Maricourt. Just having passed the village, a squadron of 12 to 15 english airplanes appears above our heads. Surely, our long marching column makes a valuable target for them. There is no chance of escaping. To the left of the road we are marching on, there is a big barracks camp. More than 20 bombs smash just into it. This unexpected attack will have cost a lot of victims. It remains a mystery to me why the airplanes did not attack us. We march on to Nurlu via Montauban, Guillemont, Ginchy, Combles, Frégicourt, Sailly-Saillisel, St. Pierre Vaast forest and Manancourt. Again we are now in the middle of the somme wasteland on blood stained grounds. Of course there is not a single trace left of all the villages we come through. The St. Pierre Vaast forest is only a forest by it's name; not a single tree trunk is left. We are in a very dreay area. We are marching on incessantly all day under suffocating heat and arrive at Nurlu in the afternoon.
Alle 05.30 del mattino lasciamo il campo di Suzanne. In marcia passiamo per Marincourt. Appena passato il paese, uno stormo di 12-15 aerei Inglesi compare sopra di noi. Certamente la nostra lunga colonna in marcia è per loro un buon obiettivo. Non c'è alcuna possibilità di sfuggirgli. Sulla sinistra della strada su cui marciamo si trova un grande accampamento militare. Più di 20 bombe si schiantano su di esso. L'imprevisto attacco costerà molte vittime. Il perché gli aeroplani non abbiano attaccato noi rimane per me un mistero. Ci mettiamo in marcia per Nurlu via Montauban, Guillemont, Ginchy, Combles, Frègicourt, Sailly-Sallisel, St. Pierre Vaast fino a Manancourt. Ci troviamo di nuovo nel mezzo della desolata Somme, sulla terra insanguinata. Ovviamente non c'è più alcuna traccia di tutti paesi che abbiamo attraversato. La foresta di St. Pierre Vaast è tale solo di nome; non è rimasto neanche un tronco d'albero. Siamo in una terra brulla. Marciamo senza sosta per tutto il giorno in un caldo soffocante ed arriviamo a Nurlu nel pomeriggio.
0530 in the morning we leave the barracks camp Suzanne. We march via Maricourt. Just having passed the village, a squadron of 12 to 15 english airplanes appears above our heads. Surely, our long marching column makes a valuable target for them. There is no chance of escaping. To the left of the road we are marching on, there is a big barracks camp. More than 20 bombs smash just into it. This unexpected attack will have cost a lot of victims. It remains a mystery to me why the airplanes did not attack us. We march on to Nurlu via Montauban, Guillemont, Ginchy, Combles, Frégicourt, Sailly-Saillisel, St. Pierre Vaast forest and Manancourt. Again we are now in the middle of the somme wasteland on blood stained grounds. Of course there is not a single trace left of all the villages we come through. The St. Pierre Vaast forest is only a forest by it's name; not a single tree trunk is left. We are in a very dreay area. We are marching on incessantly all day under suffocating heat and arrive at Nurlu in the afternoon.
0530 in the morning we leave the barracks camp Suzanne. We march via Maricourt. Just having passed the village, a squadron of 12 to 15 english airplanes appears above our heads. Surely, our long marching column makes a valuable target for them. There is no chance of escaping. To the left of the road we are marching on, there is a big barracks camp. More than 20 bombs smash just into it. This unexpected attack will have cost a lot of victims. It remains a mystery to me why the airplanes did not attack us. We march on to Nurlu via Montauban, Guillemont, Ginchy, Combles, Frégicourt, Sailly-Saillisel, St. Pierre Vaast forest and Manancourt. Again we are now in the middle of the somme wasteland on blood stained grounds. Of course there is not a single trace left of all the villages we come through. The St. Pierre Vaast forest is only a forest by it's name; not a single tree trunk is left. We are in a very dreay area. We are marching on incessantly all day under suffocating heat and arrive at Nurlu in the afternoon.