
Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Einträge in umgekehrter Reihenfolge geschrieben sind, der erste Eintrag befindet sich unten auf der Seite. Um Dieters ersten Eintrag zu lesen, beginnen Sie bitte hier!

Please note that the entries on each page are in reverse order, first entry at the bottom of the page. To read Dieter´s first entry, please start from here!

Veuillez noter que les inscriptions au journal figurant à chaque page sont reprises dans l'ordre inverse, la plus ancienne étant en bas de page. Pour voir la toute première inscription de Dieter, commencez ici!

Si noti che le date di inserimento nel diario sono in ordine inverso, si parte da quella a fondo pagina. Per andare al primo giorno del diario di Dieter clicca qui!

Mein Bild
In Mori (Stockelsdorf) bei Lübeck aufgewachsen, habe ich bereits von 1916 bis 1918 am Ersten Weltkrieg im Füsilierregiment "Königin" Nr. 86 teilgenommen. Im August 1939 wurde ich als Veteran in die Wehrmacht eingezogen. In diesem Blog veröffentliche ich mein Kriegstagebuch.

Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2010

Das Lübecker Hanseatenkreuz

Dieter bekam am 23.12.1917 das Hanseatenkreuz der Hansestadt Lübeck verliehen. Auch wenn sein Tagebucheintrag recht nüchtern ausgefallen ist, wird er sich sicherlich darüber gefreut haben.
Denkbar ist, das dieses für ihn nach genau einem Jahr, also im August 1917 beantragt wurde. Eine kurze Erläuterung zu den Hanseatenkreuzen:

Das Hanseatenkreuz wurde 1915 gemeinsam von den drei Hansestädten Hamburg, Bremen und
Lübeck für Verdienste im Krieg gestiftet.

Verliehen wurde es an
Mitglieder des
- Infanterie-Regiment „Bremen“ (1. Hanseatisches) Nr. 75,
- Infanterie-Regiment „Hamburg“ (2. Hanseatisches) Nr. 76,
- Infanterie-Regiment „Lübeck“ (3. Hanseatisches) Nr. 162

die Besatzungen der Kriegsschiffe Hamburg, Bremen und Lübeck.

Ebenfalls konnte es an die Bewohner der drei Städte, die, wie Dieter Finzen, in anderen Einheiten dienten, verliehen werden.
Einer der bekanntesten Träger aller drei Kreuze war Manfred von Richthofen (Der Rote Baron).

siehe: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanseatenkreuz

The Hanseatic Cross of Lübeck

Dieter was awarded with the Hanseatic Cross of Lübeck on December 23rd, 1917. Even though his diary entry for that day is somewhat unemotional, he surely will have been glad about it. It is possible, that the award had been requested for ham after one year's time, i.e. in August 1917. Here a little description concerning the three Hanseatic Crosses.

The Hanseatic Cross had been endowed in 1915 by the three hanseatic cities Hamburg, Bremen and Lübeck for merits in war.

It has been awarded to members of
- Infantry regiment "Bremen" (1st Hanseatic), No. 75
- Infantry regiment "Hamburg" (2nd Hanseatic), No. 76
- Infantry regiment "Lübeck" (3rd Hanseatic), No. 162

as well as
the crews of war ships Hamburg, Bremen and Lübeck.

Also it could be awarded to Inhabitants of the three cities, that, like Dieter, served in other units.
One of the most well-known owners of all three crosses was Manfred von Richthofen (also known as "The Red Baron").

Further information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanseatic_Cross B


La croce Anseatica di Lubecca

Dieter fu insignito della Croce Anseatica di Lubecca il 23 dicembre 1917. Nonostante la pagina del diario di quel giorno appaia priva di emozione, egli certamente sarà stato felice del fatto. é possibile che l'onorificenza per lui sia stata richiesta un anno dopo, cioè nell'agosto 1917. Ecco ora una breve descrizione delle tre Croci Anseatiche.

La Croce Anseatica fu proposta nel 1915 dalle tre città Anseatiche di Amburgo, Brema e Lubecca per meriti di guerra.

Essa era destinata ai membri del

-reggimento di Fanteria "Brema" (1°Anseatico) nr. 75

-reggimento di Fanteria "Amburgo" (2° Anseatico" nr.76

-reggimento di Fanteria "Lubecca" (3° Anseatico) nr. 162

così come

agli equipaggi delle navi da guerra Hamburg, Bremen e Lübeck.

Essa poteva, inoltre essere assegnata agli abitanti delle tre città che, come Dieter, servirono nelle loro unità.

Uno dei più famosi decorati con tutte e tre le Croci Anseatiche fu Manfred von Richtofen (il Barone Rosso).

Ulteriori informazioni in http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croce_Anseatica

1 Kommentar:

  1. The Hanseatic Cross of Lübeck

    Dieter was awarded with the Hanseatic Cross of Lübeck on December 23rd, 1917. Even though his diary entry for that day is somewhat unemotional, he surely will have been glad about it. It is possible, that the award had been requested for ham after one year's time, i.e. in August 1917. Here a little description concerning the three Hanseatic Crosses.

    The Hanseatic Cross had been endowed in 1915 by the three hanseatic cities Hamburg, Bremen and Lübeck for merits in war.

    It has been awarded to members of
    - Infantry regiment "Bremen" (1st Hanseatic), No. 75
    - Infantry regiment "Hamburg" (2nd Hanseatic), No. 76
    - Infantry regiment "Lübeck" (3rd Hanseatic), No. 162

    as well as
    the crews of war ships Hamburg, Bremen and Lübeck.

    Also it could be awarded to Inhabitants of the three cities, that, like Dieter, served in other units.
    One of the most well-known owners of all three crosses was Manfred von Richthofen (also known as "The Red Baron").

    Further information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanseatic_Cross
