Ernst Jünger gibt in seinem Buch "In Stahlgewittern" eine kurze Beschreibung zum Thema Störtrupps.
In his book "Storms of Steel" Ernst Jünger is giving a short description of the work of the telephone-line repair detachments.
Über die Arbeit der Störtrupps. War der Draht zerschossen, so mußte ich ihn durch meinen Störungstrupp flicken lassen. Ich entdeckte in diesen Leuten, deren Tätigkeit mir bisher im Kampfgelände kaum aufgefallen war, eine besondere Art von unbekannten Arbeitern im tödlichen Raum. Während jeder andere sich gemeinhin beeilte, den Zonen des Beschusses auszuweichen, strebte der Störtrupp unverzüglich und berufsmäßig auf sie zu. Bei Tag und Nacht suchte er die vom Einschlage noch warmen Trichter auf, um zwei Drahtenden wieder zusammenzuflechten; diese Tätigkeit war ebenso gefährlich wie unscheinbar.
The work of the telephone-line repair detachments. Whenever the wire was cut by artillery fire, I had to have it fixed by my line-repairmen. In these men, whose work I had hardly noticed on the battlefield till now, I discovered a special kind of unknown worker of the field of death. Whereas everyone else generally got out of areas that were under fire as fast as they could, the line-repairmen made their way towards them quickly and professionally. Night and day, they sought out the shell-holes that were still warm from the explosions that had created them in order to tie two severed wire-ends together again; this work was as dangerous as it was unglamorous.
Il lavoro del reparto telefonisti. Ovunque la linea fosse interrotta a causa del fuoco dell'artiglieria, bisognava ripararla con i miei colleghi addetti alle riparazioni. Tra questi uomini, il cui lavoro avevo a malapena intravisto fino ad allora sul campo di battaglia, io scoprii uno speciale tipo di sconosciuto lavoratore nel "campo della morte". Laddove chiunque, generalmente, scappava più in fretta che poteva dalle zone sotto il fuoco nemico, i telefonisti andavano avanti velocemente e con professionalità. Notte e giorno, essi sbucavano dalle buche di proiettili ancora calde per le esplosioni, per ricollegare i due capi di una linea ; questo lavoro era tanto pericoloso quanto spiacevole. "In Stahlgewittern" von Ernst Jünger ist erschienen im Klett-Kotta Verlag, 46. Aufl. 2008, ISBN: 978-3-608-95208-7