Am Nachmittag verabschiede ich mich von allen Bekannten in Münsteraue in Jägersfahrt. Mit der Straßenbahn fahre ich nach Vicht. Plötzlich merke ich, daß ich meine Gasmaske vergessen habe. Schnell steige ich aus und kehre nach Münsteraue zurück. Wieder geht es nach Vicht zurück. Hier steige ich in einen Omnibus der Organisation Todt, der mich nach Stolberg mitnimmt. Trotzdem habe ich noch 20 Minuten bis zum Bahnhof zu gehen, komme aber immerhin noch 20 Minuten zu früh an. Der Urlauberzug fährt pünktlich ab. Die Fahrt geht über Aachen, München-Gladbach, Krefeld, Duisburg, Wanne-Eickel, Münster nach Osnabrück.
In the afternoon I take my leave of all my acquaintances in Münsteraue and Jägerfahrt. I go by tram to Vicht. Suddenly I notice that I have left my gas mask behind. I get out quickly and go back to Münsteraue. Then head back to Vicht. Here I get a bus belonging to the Organisation Todt which takes me to Stolberg. Despite this I have a 20 minute walk to the station but still get there 20 minutes early. The train for men on leave sets of on time. The route takes us through Aachen, München-Gladbach, Krefeld, Duisburg, Wanne-Eickel, Münster to Osnabrück.

I go back once agai to Vicht, to the gendarme, but without any more success. the sixth bed is nowhere to be found. I go to the field ofice and enquire there and then returnto the gendarme, who writes me a receipt for the 5 beds in storage. As far as the locals are concerned, I am warmly welcomed everywhere. Everybody wants the Schleswig-Holstein troops to return. So we have left behind a really good impression. Then I go to farmer Henz in Plattenhammer and successfully conclude my business with him. Now I go quickly to the Finks once more in Zweifall. Must joy here too.
AntwortenLöschenIn the afternoon I take my leave of all my acquaintances in Münsteraue and Jägerfahrt. I go by tram to Vicht. Suddenly I notice that I have left my gas mask behind. I get out quickly and go back to Münsteraue. Then head back to Vicht. Here I get a bus belonging to the Organisation Todt* which takes me to Stolberg. Despite this I have a 20 minute walk to the station but still get there 20 minutes early. The train for men on leave sets of on time. The route takes us through Aachen, München-Gladbach, Krefeld, Duisburg, Wanne-Eickel, Münster to Osnabrück.
Organization Todt - in English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organisation_Todt