5 Uhr morgens Wecken. Wir packen unsere Sachen und beladen den B-Wagen. Um ½ 10 Uhr Abrücken des Komp. Trupps von Münsteraue. Großer Abschied! Um 10 Uhr Abrücken der ganzen Kompanie vom Kirchplatz in Vicht. Wir marschieren nach Stolberg. Dort beginnen wir um 130 Uhr mit dem Verladen. Es liegt viel Schnee, und es gibt nasse Füße. Um 537 Uhr fährt unser Transportzug ab. Ich komme in ein Abteil der 2. Klasse, das gut geheizt ist. Die Fahrt geht über Düren, Neuß, Düsseldorf, Hamm, Soest, Paderborn nach Detmold.
Reveille at 5 a.m. We pack our things and load the transport lorry. At 9.30 the company's detail leaves Münsteraue. Great send-off! At 10 o'clock the whole company leaves the church square in Vicht. We march to Stolberg. There we begin loading at 1.30. A lot of snow is lying on the ground, and our feet are wet. At 5.37 our transport train sets off. I get a seat in a 2nd class compartment which is well-heated. The route goes through Düren, Neuß, Düsseldorf, Hamm, Soest, Paderborn to Detmold.
Reveille at 5 a.m. We pack our things and load the transport lorry. At 9.30 the company's detail leaves Münsteraue. Great send-off! At 10 o'clock the whole company leaves the church square in Vicht. We march to Stolberg. There we begin loading at 1.30. A lot of snow is lying on the ground, and our feet are wet. At 5.37 our transport train sets off. I get a seat in a 2nd class compartment which is well-heated. The route goes through Düren, Neuß, Düsseldorf, Hamm, Soest, Paderborn to Detmold.